In addition to providing in-house organization and management consulting services, we maintain a busy event schedule. Following are a few popular keynote titles:
Systematic Racism
"None of us alone can save the nation or the world. But each of us can make a positive difference if we commit ourselves to do so."
- Cornel West
This important presentation provides a better understanding of the current issues relating to Racial and Social Justice, and the domino effect of unconsciously held mindsets and day-to-day systems that contribute to discrimatory manifestations in the workplace. You'll be enlightened and inspired.
Ten Steps to "THERE"
Turn vision into reality
This is a powerful exploration of paradoxical behaviors that can turn vision into reality, ordinary into extraordinary, and obstacles into opportunities. Follow the path of this true case-study to increase the “possibilities” in every aspect of your life. Create a legacy in your organization and in your personal life.
Owning Your Brand
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
- George Bernhard Shaw
Much like the brand of a product or business, your personal and professional brand is a combination of two things: the promise you make to deliver an outcome, and what people experience when they interact with you. When you are intentional about your behavior and fully aware of how it affects your brand, you are able to influence what people believe about you, say about you, and think about you when your name is mentioned or when they see you (even if you have little to no personality worth remembering).
This entertaining, upbeat, and humorous keynote will keep you in stitches while providing you with tools to increase your personal power by Owning Your Brand.
This entertaining, upbeat, and humorous keynote will keep you in stitches while providing you with tools to increase your personal power by Owning Your Brand.
Maximizing your Who What and How
Bolstering your credibiity
and creativity
This dynamic, high-energy session offers insights into how to bolster your credibility and creativity, harness that energy for greater personal success and satisfaction, and contribute to a positive work environment that leads to higher productivity and a greater sense of collaboration and accomplishment. You’ll walk away with the tools to better understand your strengths, enhance your own personal power of influence, and make meaningful and lasting contributions to the effectiveness of your team and the organization as a whole.